Saturday, December 13, 2008

on being a stay-at-home mom

I love my kids, they are both the source of my joy and my discontent. I have been told that once you are a parent, you are always a parent. I have also been told that you never stop loving your kids. I think these statements are very true. So, for you folks who are not having the daily experience of my kids like I are a few recent anecdotes.

Micah and Anna like to read books, usually alone, but recently with Micah on Anna's lap :)
Micah and Anna push each other and/or yell at each other several times in a given day. Ugh.
Micah is trying to learn how to put on his shoes, and daddy's shoes, and Anna's shoes and mommy's shoes.
Anna turned four this week, and she was excited that her shoes still fit!
Micah sings the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle little star" before drifting off to sleep because it is the tune we sing him with our own made up lyrics.
Anna sings her ABCs, "Jesus Loves Me," and portions of "Silent Night" mixed with "O Holy Night" at Christmas time, because they both have a line about a "holy night."
Micah and Anna love to give each other kisses and hugs at night. He crawls off of whoever's lap he is on that night to go over to Anna as she is tucked in her covers and gives her a big hug and kiss. Anna loves it : ). We do too.

I would not trade one day of being a mom at home, why would I pay someone to take care of my kids when I can stay home and take care of them myself, and store up these kinds of memories in my heart?

1 comment:

FordeFam said...

Love this!!! I just found your blogspot!!! We have one too!!! :) Yay for blogs!